Programming Books

Linked List Concepts PDF

Learn Introduction to Linked List concept Step By Step with examples.Types of Linked List.Array VS Linked List. Singly Linked list. Doubly Linked List.How to insert in Linked list.

What Is Linked List

A linked list is a linear data structure. There is nodes and link with each other. one node points to the next node and pointer called to other

Simple Linked List Class

  • We use two are using two classes Node and List
  • Declare both  Node class for the nodes
  • in this example data: double-type data in this example
  • in this example next: a pointer to the next node in the list
    class Node {


    double  data;  // data

    Node*  next;  // pointer to next


Types of Linked List

There are two basic types of linked list

  • Singly Linked list
  • Doubly linked list

you can find the detail in BOOk

Difference Array and Linked List


Linked List

Fixed size  Dynamic size
Insertions and Deletions are inefficient: Elements are usually shifted. Insertions and Deletions are efficient: No shifting.
Random access i.e., efficient indexing No random access  Not suitable for operations requiring accessing elements by index such as sorting
 No memory waste if the array is full or almost full; otherwise may result in much memory waste Since memory is allocated dynamically(acc. to our need) there is no waste of memory
Sequential access is faster [Reason: Elements in contiguous memory locations] Sequential access is slow [Reason: Elements not in contiguous memory locations]

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